On the surface, the experiments look complex, but in reality virtually any marketer can leverage the same techniques for their work.
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On February 26th, Charlene Li, Principal Analyst at Altimeter, spoke to a room packed with marketers and marketing students seeking to understand where to best focus their energies through the ongoing process of adapting to the digital transformation that started for many of us around 2005
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Rebranding can be tricky, especially if your business is established and has a history. Rebranding means overhauling your company’s goals, message, and culture — not just its logo. We thought we’d share some tips that can help ensure a successful rebranding effort. Before you rename, rethink, or redesign, take a minute to review this checklist. 4 Tips for a Successful Rebrand: 1. Know WHY you’re rebranding. Does your brand accurately reflect your values and what you do? Has your audience or your industry changed over time? Is there a new product or service that represents a significant shift in your... read more →
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Whether we realize it or not, the relationships we build is what fuels the success of our businesses. Failure to nurture the established and new relationships will cause them to wither away as quick as the plants outside that receive neither sunlight nor water. In this fast paced world of constant go, go, go, we get lost in the charts that zoom in on the dollar signs, that may or may not be there. We get too caught up in the products or services we are selling without even realizing that the most important element not being sold is a... read more →
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I am all about the customer/client/audience, or whatever label you want to attach to the recipient of your marketing message. The goal has always been to know the market (your customer) well so that the right message can be delivered at the right time through the most appropriate channels.
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Our recent event "In the new P2P collaborative economy" gathered a big crowd and generated a lot of interest and questions from the audience. Our speaker, Jeremiah Owyang, founder of Crowd Companies, shared his vision and passion about the collaborative economy. San Francisco is at the center of the movement! In case you missed the event, here is a blog authored by Kerrie LeBourveau-Smith, Digital Director at Weber Shandwick, initially published on her company website. For more information on the collaborative economy, examples, tools and resources, visit Web Strategist or download Owyang’s presentation here. "If you’ve forgone a taxi in favor of an Uber ride, skipped... read more →
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By Kinnari Desai A suit, a pack of smokes and an emotionally unstable personality. The show, Mad Men, will have you believe these are the only things you need to be an ad man (or woman) at an ad agency. I’m a big fan of the show (and often reference it when still having to explain my career choice to confused relatives and friends), but as many of you know that was far from the truth in the 60’s and it’s an even further truth today. If you’re one of many recent graduates eyeing that scintillating Summer Internship, that... read more →