Battle for the Inbox: How to Boost Email Engagement, Outplay Competitors, and Earn More Revenue in Q4
Q4 means massive revenue opportunities for email marketers—and massive pitfalls for those who aren’t prepared. Unfortunately, email marketing has never been more difficult than it is today. Global sending volumes have risen by 82% in the past two years alone. As inboxes grow more crowded (especially during the holiday sales season), only the best emails will win subscribers’ attention. Welcome to the ultimate email showdown. Join this session, led by Kate Adams, SVP of Marketing at Validity, for the tactical insights and strategic recommendations you need to face off with competitors and win this year’s battle for the inbox. She’ll provide expert guidance to ensure your emails not only reach your targets but entice them to click and buy. During this session, you’ll learn: The current state of the email landscape—and why senders have the odds stacked against them in Q4 and beyond Strategies to deliver more personalized, email experiences that win clicks and conversions Dynamic content tactics to drive engagement directly within your emails Which consumer data points to collect (and how to collect them) to deliver email experiences your subscribers want... read more →