JM Webinar for Marketing Professionals
Listen to leading professors and gain actionable insights based on peer-reviewed scientific studies published in the Journal of Marketing. Date: May 17, 2022 Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (Eastern) Click Here to Register for the Webinar “How to Conduct Marketing Research with Quasi-Experiments“ Quasi-experimental methods have been widely applied in marketing to explain changes in consumer behavior, firm behavior, and market-level outcomes. The purpose of these methods is to determine the presence of a causal relationship in the absence of experimental variation. A new article in the Journal of Marketing offers guidance on how to successfully conduct research in marketing with quasi-experiments and this webinar will offer insights on key topics important to their use. This webinar will examine the use and usefulness of quasi-experimental methods for marketing by identifying the marketing settings and data where quasi-experimental methods are useful. It will then outline how to structure an empirical strategy that allows researchers or analysts to identify a causal relationship between a marketing action and an outcome using methods such as difference-in-differences, regression discontinuity, instrumental variables, propensity score matching, synthetic control, and selection bias correction. The importance of understanding and communicating the assumptions underlying the assertion of causality and establishing the generalizability of the findings […]... read more →