All work entered in the 2025 Awards competition must have been produced between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024.
Submission of entries acknowledges the right of AMA San Francisco to use them for publication, exhibition, and marketing of the San Francisco AMA Barbary Best Award. The awards committee reserves the right to move applicants to the category best suited through the lens of the judging criteria and rubric. The Best of Show category will have dedicated judging from our high profile judges (See list here)
- Submissions must be complete by 2/28/25
- Meet all eligibility and deadline requirements
- Include a complete entry form (with category selected)
- Include properly formatted creative support
- Conform to defined submission requirements
- Conform to all copyright laws*
- Include proof of payment
*Copyright infringement and/or plagiarism (be it intentional or unintentional) will result in the disqualification and, if applicable, removal of awards from any entry deemed in violation. All entry fees will be forfeited.
Early Bird SubmissionsDec. 2 – Jan. 31 |
Final SubmissionFeb. 1 – Feb. 28 |
AMA Member* |
$85/entry |
$100/entry |
Non-Member |
$100/entry |
$125/entry |
Student |
$25/entry |
$25/entry |
- Entries must be received no later than February 28,
*Become a member today to take advantage of our discounts!
Payment must be made to complete submission. Fees are non-refundable
Entries for each category are evaluated and scored by a panel of judges against four key criteria. All answers are required and must be less than 500 words.
- Challenges & Objectives:
- What was the core problem the entry needed to solve or address? What was/were the objective(s) to address the situation or challenge? This should be a specific, quantifiable statement. Judges will score on how clearly the challenge is stated and whether the objectives are sound, clear, and measurable.
- Strategic & Tactics:
- Describe the strategic process behind this project/initiative and what tactics or actions were taken to achieve the objectives. Judges will score how well the strategy and tactics relate to achieving the objectives.
- Results:
- How was the success of the entry evaluated? What were the results? What measurable results did this entry achieve? Did it achieve the entry’s objective(s)? It’s extremely important to describe the results in measurable terms to demonstrate the entry’s objective(s) were achieved. Judges will score on how effective the entry was in producing results that directly tie into the objective(s).
- Campaign Elements:
- Include digital files of the work to be judged along with your entry. If your entry wins, a single image of your entry campaign elements will be displayed at the awards ceremony. Judges will score campaign elements and creative work of all digital files submitted.
Complete the Entry Submission Form
- Contact information is required (please ensure company or agency name is spelled as how it should appear formally)
- All criteria questions (above) are required to be complete and 500 words or less.
- The same entry can be submitted in a maximum of Two (2) categories as long it meets the criteria and objectives of the categories.
- Students can submit One (1) individual and One (1) group project.
- There is the ability to “Save and Continue Submission Later” and an email will automatically be sent from with a link to access the incomplete application. Please check your spam folder if you don’t see this email in your inbox. This link will expire midnight on 2/28/25. Email to troubleshoot further. (Note: It is highly encouraged to first create a separate Word doc with answers for reference and as a backup.)
- In the case of a tie, an additional judge will score the campaigns for a tie breaker result.
It is not guaranteed that all categories will recognize a winner. Only submissions that provide solid results and exemplify the qualities of great marketing will be considered for finalist placement. Finalists will be announced in Spring 2025.
There are two areas in the submission form that require digital files: Campaign Elements and Campaign Splash Screen. The campaign elements should be digital files that complement the submission and support the campaign objective. The campaign splash screen is a single digital file (print ready) to showcase submission work during the awards ceremony. Files that do not follow the creative requirements will not be included in the entry for judges’ review.
- When including attachments, all files uploaded must be in one of the following formats:
- MS Word(.doc/ .docx/ .rtf)
- MPEG-4
- QuickTime
- .txt
- MP3
- Uploading .DVD format is also acceptable, but we cannot accept a physical DVD.
- Uploaded examples and images are limited to 8.5” x 11”.
- Please keep file size under 50MB
- Provide URLs for website entries. For websites that require password access, please create a guest user account login for the purpose of San Francisco Marketing Awards judging.
- For campaign splash screen – please limit video files to < 30 seconds.
- Do not place artwork images into a PPT.
- Do not place company logo(s) into the artwork file.
- Do not submit files that will attempt to install a program on the judging computers. Executable files cannot be judged and will be disqualified without reimbursement of entry fees